
Why? What? Where? When? Who? How? A goofy smile spreads over that little boy face as he pounds me with random questions that have nothing to do with my current thought process. Time is running out as I shove shoes onto his stubborn feet. "Mom, I have a question for you." "Hum?" I mindlessly mumble as I contemplate using a hammer to encourage the tiny shoe to fall into place. He sneakily asks, "What is a question?" I groan as I am bombarded with the exact same question that I have heard one hundred times before. It's the question used when my dear sweet son wants my attention, but he is all out of questions. "Mom!!! What is a question?!!!" He blabs in my face. Losing patience, I snap, "You already know what a question is. Now bring me your other foot please!" He sticks his other foot near my mouth and wiggles his toes at me. My son is silent for a whole one minute while I shove his other shoe on his naked foot. With that battle won, I suddenly turn into wild woman running around grabbing coats, snacks, books, and anything I can think of that I might need for the activities for the day. Meanwhile, the questions have begun again. "Why didn't the snow melt in the sun? Why don't you love Daddy anymore? Why do you get mad? Why won't you answer me?" My mind hardly processes one question before a another question is batted at me.  Finally, my mind cannot recall what I was packing. I start asking myself questions. "Where am I? What am I doing? What time is it? Do I really have to go to work today?" Defeated I reach for my son and give him my undivided attention. "Ok, what was your question?" I ask sincerely. He thinks for one, two, three seconds before he smiles. He asks, "What is a question?"


  1. What a resilient kid. Beautiful moment captured. I could picture it very well.


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